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Excursion tips

Asisi Panorama "Luther 1517"

Asisi Panorama

"Luther 1517"


Lutherstadt Wittenberg as it was at the time of Martin Luther, Philipp Melanchthon, the two Cranachs, Katharina von Bora and Justus Jonas, will be brought to life and history in a 360° panorama. The giant picture is 15 x 75 meters and dedicated to events in Wittenberg 500 years ago, when the monk and scholar Martin Luther published his 95 Theses on the reform of the church, thus setting in motion a dramatic movement which has shaped the history and religions of the world to this day. For this purpose, a rotunda will be built in the old town of Lutherstadt Wittenberg. A unique feature of the LUTHER 1517 project is the combination of a panoramic artwork by Yadegar Asisi with the world event commemorating the Reformation. In the circular building visitors can discover the reformation in 360 degrees on different floors. By stepping into the painting, the visitor not only gains new perspectives, but also the opportunity to experience the world of Luther with all their senses and to rediscover the subject of the Reformation and one of its origins.



daily from 10am - 6pm


11.00 Euro
reduced 9.00 Euro
children (6 – 16 years) 4.00 Euro



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IMG - Investitions- und Marketinggesellschaft
Sachsen-Anhalt mbH
Am Alten Theater 6
39104 Magdeburg

Phone: +49 391/568 99 80

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For the interested+49 (0)391 - 568 99 80

Monday to Thursday 9.00 - 17.00,
Friday 9.00 - 16.00